Potato Chatney Balls

Potato Chatney BallsPotato covering, 1/2 kilo potatoes , 2 teaspoons flour, 2 tablespoons cheese (optional) 1 egg 1/2 teaspoon sa1t, ½ teaspoon pepper Chutney , 1 cup of grated coconut ½ cube of ginger , ½ teaspoon jeera , 1 lump of tamarind ( Marble size) 4 green chillies ,1-2 cloves of garlic (optional) ½ teaspoon salt .

Potato Chatney BallsMethod

Boil and mash the potatoes without any lumps. Add the egg Yolk, flour, cheese and seasonings and knead well. Grind the chutney and keep it aside. Roll the potatoes mixture into balls, the size of a large marble. Hollow them and insert a small lump of chutney and close. Roll each ball in lightly beaten egg white. Deep fry in very hot oil until golden brown. Drain off oil and serve hot.


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